Monday, March 17, 2008

Obama's judgement as commander in cheif

Obama has always sang from the mountain top that he will have us out of Iraq withing 16 months of taking office. I question the judgment of any presidential candidate who wants to yank us out of Iraq hilly-nilly. I'll beat this drum to death, but you can argue that we should not have gone in to Iraq in the first place, but now that we are and in the mess that we are, you had better realize the disaster that pulling out now would create. This is not Vietnam folks. This one has a whole different endgame. We could bail on Vietnam and the worst that would happen is a country falls to communism. Iraq sits on the second largest known reserves of oil in the world. Who is providing the insurgents with money, equipment and expertise in Iraq right now? That's right, crazy neighbor, nuclear hungry Iran. The second we pull out, Iraq becomes Iran. Any reason to think it wont?

And I'm sorry, I dont feel like paying $6 a gallon for gas. $3.50 is already skinning me and the economy.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Why I am a conservative ....not a Republican...and urge you to be the same.

I want to say upfront that I voted for George Bush...twice. But hindsight is, as the well worn cliche goes, 20/20. But he was the lesser of the two evils. But my blanket support of repubs is loooong gone. Why? Well, in my eyes, repubs were always the choice of reason, of logic, of hope and self determination. But as the Years After Reagan(YAR) grow more and more, they have slipped further and further away from his beliefs. Bushy and his admin. used the guise of 9/11 to go and start a monumentally disastrous war in Iraq. The rest of his policy is neither here nor there in regards to his war on terror. Which I don't get too hung up on. The same people who are terrified of wire tapping don't have any qualms about big brothers cameras watching our every move. Yet they pitch a hissy fit when they find out we are monitoring cell phone calls to catch terrorists. They forget about what Lincoln did to habeas corpus and we survived that didn't we?

My move away from repubs stems from Bushy and Iraq and repubs spending habits. All repubs (or almost all). Bushies war in Iraq is directly responsible for the economic mess we're in right now. No, not the housing fiasco, the mortgage market and wall street got us into that mess. And the market will work that out. I have no sympathy for people with disastrous credit decided to get a mortgage that was a ticking time bomb and going to sink them a couple of years down the road. There was a reason they were in such a bad mortgage product to start with. Their credit sucked to start with. They should have been renting and getting their financial house in order. Remember delayed gratification? You know working and saving for something? We need to stop taking up for all the idiots in this country and start holding them accountable for their actions.

Yet it is Bushies war in Iraq that has done us the most harm. Why? Oil prices. Yes China and India have increased world demand, but the real problem started in 2003. Oil prices were just above $30 a barrel. As of today, $108. Five short years. India and China were humming as economies long before 2003. We went through the incredible growth of the economy in the 1990's and into the 2000's and even went through 9/11 and oil was still just above $30 a barrel. But in 2003 something happened. Bushy and his idiots preemptively hit Iraq. I don't know if will ever know the real reason why. Either Bushy had bad intel or just doctored up intelligence to start the war for whatever reason( a couple of theories are that our intelligence was just terribly wrong, so much so that the whole of the CIA and FBI should have been let go, the offices scrubbed clean and we should have just started over; or Bushy was genuinely interested in getting democracy started in the Middle East; or he and Cheney had a profit motive - no morons, he wasn't just going to take their oil by invading and then say,"This is our oil!". No, something like building oil and gas pipelines from the Caucasus to the ocean. Going through Iran or Pakistan aren't exactly alternatives. They thought they could spread democracy like wildfire and get Iran's population to see how great democracy and freedom are if we put the squeeze on its two neighbors Afghanistan and Iraq. We just needed Iraq and Afghanistan to be raving successes. And we've all seen how well this has worked out.)

And before you libs jump with glee at this, remember your stepchild Jimmy Carter started all this with the Carter Doctrine. And then during Bushies reign your party were cowards who were too weak to stand up to him and vote against his war. Because he was in fact so popular at the time and you were too afraid to lose your jobs by going against him - remember you freakin' weak kneed, gutless leftists?

But his plan has thus far been disastrous for its effect on world oil markets. Iraq is second only to Saudi Arabia in reserves. Oil is pumping, but the market has built a hedge in. If we dont make this democracy thing work, you are basically looking at Iran controlling Iraq, and thus the second largest supply of oil in the world. And we aren't exactly on speaking terms with Iran and its nuclear hungry crazies.

So no Kool-Aid drinkers on the right, Bush has been nothing short of a disaster since 2003. The sad thing is that if he had just left things alone after Afghanistan, he would probably still be looked at as a golden boy in the world. Remember? Everyone loved him after 9/11. So much so that the dems in congress were afraid to vote against him as I just pointed out.

As for the rest of you repubs up on the hill, I'm done with you and your profligate spending habits as well. I want people up on the hill who will not only decrease future spending increases, I want people who will start rebuilding our federal government and start whittling away it's giant, mammoth, bloated, inefficiencies. That's right. We need to start shrinking our federal government. Gasp! That's right, I said it. I mean shrink. Like Constanzas wienie. We need to not only cut out all increases in the federal government budget, but decrease budgets from previous years. We've got to get people off the teat folks! And I'm not talking about welfare recipients, but bureaucrats politicians and their ilk.

As far as I'm concerned the libs have won. They have people thinking it's a good thing for the govt. to take care of us. They have created the nanny state. So much so that repubs vote and spend and pass the same programs that the dems do now. We will have a disastrous federal govt. health care plan now folks. Get ready. It is a reality. Because fake conservative McCain is for it also! So no matter who wins, socialized medicine will win. And I dont see repubs having the will or muscle to stand up to it.

And federalized health care is a disaster folks. The Netherlands are now going back to privatizing their health care system because it's federal government health program was such a disaster. Have you heard this? Of course not. Why? The liberal media. Do you think they want their baby to be exposed? Of course not. Do a search of any country in Europe followed by the words 'health care'. You will see socialized medicine for what it is. A pathetic sham.

So vote Libertarian whenever you see one on the ballots folks(I know the Libertarian party seems crazier than loons, but the more of us mainstream folks who jump aboard, the more it will not.) Libertarians are the last truly conservative party. Vote for repubs as a distant second. Cause they're better the the dems. Barely.